Monday, August 13, 2007

My First Day

My one and only experience within Atlantic City is coming to college taking English 070. In June of 2007 I came to Atlantic City to better myself and expand my knowledge. I walked in the doors early around 8:30 am; my heart was beating as fast as I drove down to Atlantic City, FAST! I simply walked down the hallway when a security guard walked up to me demanding to see an ID card. I responded, "What? I don’t have one. Where can I get one?"

The security guard told me to go around to the room next to the cashiers’ desk. I thanked him and I went to get my ID card. I walked through the doorway to the room and approached a woman sitting at a desk. She looked up at me and asked, "How my I help you sir?" I asked if she could make me an ID card. She smiled and asked for my license. After she was through typing my information on the computer she said look at the camera and smile. Flash. The deed was done. After she gave me my ID I was on my way once again to English 070 summer class. I ran into a trap though. I didn’t know where room 275 was. So I asked the lady who made my ID card to show me where my class was. With ease she got up and we were on our way.

I walked in the doors of room 275 where I met Mr. Jamey; he later corrected me and said “Just, Jamey”. He asked me my name and then he looked at me and said, "Well, you're not on my list." But he put his list down and wrote my name on his list then he told me to take a seat. I followed his directions and I sat down. When the minute hand landed on the twelve it was now 9:00 am and all random people came in. Later on they would become my friends. At 9:15 am some guy came in. His name was Al. He sat next to me and then we became good friends. During the first day Jamey told us that we would be writing a lot of essays and stories. At this time I was sweating because I was always bad at writing. Jamey made it fun to write. Now I love to write stories for our weekly paper. He is the first English teacher I ever liked. He is very professional (I am Not sucking up) and is a good teacher.

In conclusion, my one and only experience in Atlantic City is where I started my college education. I also met and dealt with very nice classmates who have wonderful personalities, and also a great college professor.

--Tommy Hahn

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